Age of Outrage tx dates


Age of Outrage compilation episodes will appear on BBC iPlayer from January 9th 2023. This coincides with the linear transmission on BBC Two Wales, for three weeks from Jan 9th at 10pm. We’re really pleased that the series, written and performed by Welsh talent is getting another showing, in an established comedy slot. Radio 4 used to call these ‘revised repeats’ and the compilations are a mix of the original series and some gems from the pilot programme, plus we’ve tightened up a lot of the sketches, dropped ones which felt past their sell-by date, and updated the spoof BBC idents to reflect the new branding.

Eagle-eyed viewers (or people who are as obsessed by these things as the Producer) will spot that we’ve even updated the BBC logo on the news items. Sadly, ITV updated their branding after we delivered the programmes, but you can’t win them all.